Q-See 12V-1.5 Amp Power Adapter is listed under power adapters in the Q-See power accessories section. DPS's mission is to provide innovative, practical and top-quality digital storage products that reduce cost and improve the way users employ digital storage technology. In carrying out the Companys day-to-day business it strives to: Provide customers with the highest level of support. Offer vertical markets innovative product solutions and services backed by quality, performance and service. Introduce new products continuously to meet the ever-changing marketplace. Maintain long-term relationships with customers and vendors. |
Features |
- QNAP home Turbo NAS with large storage capacity and high performance for your home theater
- Listen to your music on iPhone/iPod touch/iPad and Android devices anywhere you have a 3G or Wi-Fi connection
- Anytime, anywhere access to your digital media over the Internet
by web browsers or iPhone/iPod touch/iPad, or Android mobile devices
- Enjoy HD movies or family videos on TV when streamed through various network players
- Enjoy your stored music on your PC - You can listen to your
favorite MP3 songs streamed from iTunes Server, or play music by web
browsers on your PC